Sunday Worship Services
Sunday Church Service: 10:00 to 11:00 AM Eastern
Sunday School: 10:00 to 11:00 AM Eastern
Christian Scientists study and pray with the Bible Lesson during the week. We then come together on Sunday mornings to hear this Lesson-Sermon read. There is time for silent as well as congregational prayer. We sing inspirational hymns, listen to a vocal solo and organ or piano music, with occasional other instruments.
There are democratically run branch churches, just like this one, in over 70 countries – made up of both non-members and members of The Mother Church in Boston, Massachusetts, who join together to worship God and bless their communities.
Wednesday Evening Testimony Meetings
7:00 to 8:00 PM
We hold a more casual mid-week one-hour testimony meeting every Wednesday evening. It’s a refreshing pause for inspiration where we hear readings from The Bible and the Christian Science textbook, pray and sing hymns. During the last half of the meeting, the congregation is invited to give testimonies of inspiration and healing gained through the study and application of Christian Science.